Thursday, October 31, 2019
Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Bullying - Essay Example McFadden is the name of the social worker I was interviewing. McFadden has been working in a local juvenile for twenty years. In the interview, the social worker explained how children who are bullies end becoming bullies. She also outlined some measures that can be taken to prevent recidivism. In the interview, she highlighted some recommendation that could stop the bullying behavior among children. I started the interview by asking the social worker what it meant to be a bully and whether the bullying characteristics are evident in offender. She responded by saying a bully who has aggressive behaviors towards others. She said that bullying has become a growing challenge in the world, but it is more prominent in America. According to McFadden, many people do not understand how serious bullying is. The number of suicides as a result of bullying has increased over the last few years (Sanders, 2004). McFadden said that a person is bullied if he or she is exposed to negative actions repeatedly from others. She highlighted that there were two types of bullying: direct bullying and indirect bullying. Direct bullying is attacking someone publically while indirect bullying is harassing a person by banishing them socially. What I erudite from the interview is that, bullying has a long term effect on the bully if their behavior is not corrected on time. McFadden argued that, bullies have a high probability to be convicted as criminal and more likely be offenders. Bullies display a serious conduct problem and other externalizing behaviors. They are seen to lack self-control and found reckless. The social worker also said that it is evident that children who bully their peers end up becoming offenders later in life. Bullying others at schools is a very high predictor of a child becoming a criminal offender in the future. During the interview, I asked the social worker on the measures
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Research report assisting a client in a career choice Proposal
Report assisting a client in a career choice - Research Proposal Example Following is a report of the interview that was carried out in response to his order. The main aim of this interview was to help the client follow the correct path in developing his career. The report covers a large scope including his personality and skills suitability, alternatives available to him, the constraint which may deter him from achieving his career and the value that the client would like to obtain from the choice of his career. Sources of the information that were used in giving advice to the client embody records of previous works with some of our clients, career books, and other web sites that cover issues on career alternatives. The report covers the information obtained from the client through an interview, opportunities available for the client, a recommendation of the best choice for him and a conclusion. The interview I carried out with the client was designed with the aim of enquiring on the issues he wanted tackled. The client explained that he needed the help of the firm in developing the correct path for his career. He explained that he needed to have a good understanding on the best career that suited him, the pay and how he could possibly develop it to greater heights. The client is an 18 year old, Black-American boy whose parents do no have access to unaffordable counseling service. He is an 11th grader learning at an English high school in a traditionally advantaged area. The school is dominated by white teachers. The client’s language preference is English with French as a second choice. He is the only child from his family. His parents were divorced and now both married. He has a half sister and three half brothers who are all younger than him. His father is self trained auto-mechanic who runs an own business from his house. His mother, a ninth grader, works as a ho usekeeper in a white’s home. Although the father and the mother are in disagreement on the field that their son should
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Meant By Personality Dynamics Psychology Essay
What Is Meant By Personality Dynamics Psychology Essay Every person is unique not merely, because people are genetically different. On the contrary, identical twins have the same DNA. However, despite the similarity, the twins will still be two different persons. This implies that there are certain qualities that set a person apart from the others. Theoretically, this will involve the manner of nurturance or upbringing. Nonetheless, this does not account on the divergence among different persons thoughts, aspirations, behaviors, preferences, feelings, and reactions. Across the centuries, the notion that thinkers came up with to explain and or describe the similarities and differences in the individuality that each person possess is known as personality. In a stricter sense, Susan C. Cloninger defined personality as the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience (2008; 2). Personalities differ from one group of traits to another. More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates had already separated four types of temperament to describe people. He made four basic categories namely: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic (Colininger, 2008; 3). Describing personality requires the evaluation of its type, factors and traits. Colininger explained that personality dynamics are the mechanisms by which personality is expressed (2008;5). Motivations influence the personality. Motivations are the underlying reasons or caused that drive the person to act in certain ways. Different psychologists have different speculations about the motivational factors that underlie personality. Freud argued that sexual urges are the source of motivation while Carl Rogers believed that the motivation has developmental roots. Alfred Alder and Rudolf Dreikurs asserts that personality motivations involve being goal-oriented and a process of self-creation (9). In the same context, Henry Murray put forward that there are interrelated motivations that affects the personality. All of these motivational theories imply that people react to the changes in themselves and their environment. Personality dynamics denote that personality is something that develops in the persons consciousness. The reaction shows growth and progress in the individual. Personal dynamics as a whole require the person to adapt and to adjust in his living environment and situation. How do cognitive processes and culture relate to personality dynamics? In the study of personality dynamics and the exploration of motivational factors, it is inevitable to include the process and function of cognition into the equation. For the most part, cognition refers to the manner of perception. Cognitive processes therefore include the thinking and the learning development of an individual. In the Psychoanalytic theory, Freud emphasized that the personality dynamics is consist of the ways in which psychic energy us distributed to the id, ego and superego (Corey, 2009; p. 61). Freuds theory revolves around the idea that the cognitive process only happens during the conscious state. Thus, Freud proposed that conscious thought plays only a limited role in personality dynamics (Cloninger, 2008; p. 5). The ego represents consciousness while the superego represents the unconsciousness. The emphasis given by Freud on the superegos role in personality dynamics raised several questions among the thinkers specifically because behavior are predictable and c oping patterns are recognizable. Moreover, humans are able to distinguish how their experiences or previous knowledge affects their future decisions, actions and reactions. The previous knowledge that the person holds is largely determined by the culture in which the person belongs. Personality is not something innate to the individual. Despite the fact that genes affect the capacity of the human physiology, it is obvious that the beliefs, traditions and even the language that the person holds greatly shaped his personality. Consider how the Christian culture and conservative ideologies are related to introvert personalities. The multiculturalism that the United States espouses encouraged individualism that encourages extraverted and assertive behavior (Cloninger, 2008; p. 6). These observations illuminate the fact that the culture in a society affects the individual personality of a person. Carl Jung developed his analytical psychology, which divided the personality dynamics into introverted and extroverted personality. According to Corey, Jung acknowledged, we are not merely shaped by past events, but we are influenced by our future as well (p. 79). J ung also explained that there is a collective unconsciousà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦containing the accumulation of inherited experiences of human and pre-human species (p. 80). This collective unconscious derived from historical experiences and future insights affects the motivations of a person. What are some important influences on personality development? Clearly, personality is not something that encrypted into the persons mind when he was born. Personality is something that develops out of the persons interaction to other people and the environment. Moreover, personality is not something permanent. It could change or develop or progress depending on the individuals reaction towards event and circumstances in life. In relation to the process of development, Cloninger explained that biological influences and social development influences are the two major factors that affects the development of personality. The biological influences are those behavior that are observable and consistent behavior from birth onwards. This consistency in behavior and emotional reactions present from early life onward is called temperament (Cloninger, 2008 p. 6). Modern scientific findings seems to support the claim that personality is significantly influenced by hereditary (2008, p. 6). This does not mean that genes alone determine the personality of the person because the biological person needs to adapt into the environment as well. In this regard, one could observe that as a person grows older, their personality changes. The person does not only develop physical but also psychologically. The changes in the persons cognitive skills could also help establish the fact that personality develops. Furthermore, most of the theorist in personality believes that the experiences in childhood greatly affect the current psychological state of mind of the adult person. The evidence of this claim lies on the possibiliyu of developing skills and acquiring knowledge. Aside from the cognitive development, the persons emotions are also considered to affect their personality when they enter adulthood. For instance, if the parent-child relationship during childhood years is not satisfactory, then the child also might neglect his/her offspring in the future or they might shower the child with excessive love and affection. This implies that childhood experiences affects personality development. From this perspective, it could be sur mised that personality is not solely determine by genetics and personality could change over time.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac :: essays research papers
"Physical Laws should have mathematical beauty." This statement was Dirac's response to the question of his philosophy of physics, posed to him in Moscow in 1955. He wrote it on a blackboard that is still preserved today.[1] Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984), known as P. A. M. Dirac, was the fifteenth Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933 with Erwin Schrodinger.[2] He is considered to be the founder of quantum mechanics, providing the transition from quantum theory. The Cambridge Philosophical Society awarded him the Hopkins Medal in 1930. He was awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society of London in 1939 and the James Scott Prize from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 1952 the Max Plank Medal came from the Association of German Physical Societies, as well as the Copley Medal from the Royal Society. The Akademie der Wissenschaften in the German Democratic Republic presented him with the Helmholtz Medal in 1964. In 1969 he received the Oppenheimer Prize from the University of Miami. Lastly in 1973, he received the Order of Merit.[3] Dirac was well known for his almost anti--social behavior, but he was a member of many scientific organizations throughout the world. Naturally, he was a member of the Royal Society, but he was also a member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforsher and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He was a foreign member of Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques and the Academie des Sciences, the Accademia delle Scienze Torino and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the National Academy of Science. He was an honorary member and fellow of the Indian Academy of Science, the Chinese Physical Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the National Institute of Sciences in India, the American Physical Society, the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research in India, the Royal Danish Academy, and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.[4] The world wide respect he earned for his work was well deserved. A prolific writer, Dirac published over two hundred works between 1924 and 1987, mainly papers in physics journals on topics relating to quantum mechanics. His book Principles of Quantum Mechanics , published in 1930, was the first textbook in the discipline and became the standard.[5] Some predictions made by Dirac are still untested because his theoretical work was so far reaching, but many other predictions have been verified, assuring him of a special place in the history of physics.[6] Dirac was three years old when Einstein published his famous papers on
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sophocles’ antigone
Oedipus meets all the criteria of a tragic hero. He is of noble birth with a character that is consistent throughout as a truth-seeker, always in quest of knowledge, and a riddle-solver wanting to be a savior of people; yet as every other person, he had his flaws, which reversed his prosperity.His intelligence and stateliness is worthy of that of a king, so his doom fills the readers with pity and fear, which is the essence of a tragedy.Though Oedipus realizes that fate had a hand in his doom, he knew he had his own flaws.A woman can also be a tragic hero so long as she meets the criteria set for a tragic hero, and Antigone meets all the criteria. Yet I consider Oedipus to be the best tragic hero here, he being glorious and his fall, dramatic.To go by Aristotle’s view, Antigone, Oedipus and Creon, all meet the criteria of being tragic heroes in that all of them face disastrous consequences because of certain fundamental flaws common to humanity.(3)Antigone strongly felt Creon should not interfere in matters relating to religion, andleaving the dead unburied was against the divine law. She defies Creon and does notever regret it even in the face of death. Thus her remark, â€Å"I do not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwritten unalterable laws of God and heaven, you being only a man.†Creon on the other hand respects the rules of the state, and though he could have changed them, if he so chose, remains adamant that Polynice, her brother, be left to rot. Ismene does not act emotionally. She thinks twice about dying for the dead.Antigone’s views clashed with that of the others in that she failed to see the impact of her action on those around her, for instance Haemon.(4)The Greek view is that a tragic hero should ideally be a king so that his people also experience his fall. He should be venerable but imperfect so that the audience may associate themselves with him.As great as the hero is, they feel his fall should be as great too, a calamity worthy of their hero.  But modern-day hero is not necessarily of royal birth. He can rise to glory by contributing positively to the society or the world at large, and unlike the tragic hero, who often dies or survives only to suffer, may even be victorious, and his flaws are not fatal.To quote Duane Lowry, a member of the American Political Historians Association, an American hero is â€Å"someone who embodies popular values and is the driving force behind an important social, political, or scientific change or transformation that lifts the spirit of America and betters the situation of the country.â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Angels Demons Chapter 62-63
62 Langdon's progress around his side of the Pantheon was being hampered somewhat by the guide on his heels, now continuing his tireless narration as Langdon prepared to check the final alcove. â€Å"You certainly seem to be enjoying those niches!†the docent said, looking delighted. â€Å"Were you aware that the tapering thickness of the walls is the reason the dome appears weightless?†Langdon nodded, not hearing a word as he prepared to examine another niche. Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind. It was Vittoria. She was breathless and tugging at his arm. From the look of terror on her face, Langdon could only imagine one thing. She found a body. He felt an upswelling of dread. â€Å"Ah, your wife!†the docent exclaimed, clearly thrilled to have another guest. He motioned to her short pants and hiking boots. â€Å"Now you I can tell are American!†Vittoria's eyes narrowed. â€Å"I'm Italian.†The guide's smile dimmed. â€Å"Oh, dear.†â€Å"Robert,†Vittoria whispered, trying to turn her back on the guide. â€Å"Galileo's Diagramma. I need to see it.†â€Å"Diagramma?†the docent said, wheedling back in. â€Å"My! You two certainly know your history! Unfortunately that document is not viewable. It is under secret preservation in the Vatican Arc – â€Å" â€Å"Could you excuse us?†Langdon said. He was confused by Vittoria's panic. He took her aside and reached in his pocket, carefully extracting the Diagramma folio. â€Å"What's going on?†â€Å"What's the date on this thing?†Vittoria demanded, scanning the sheet. The docent was on them again, staring at the folio, mouth agape. â€Å"That's not†¦ really†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Tourist reproduction,†Langdon quipped. â€Å"Thank you for your help. Please, my wife and I would like a moment alone.†The docent backed off, eyes never leaving the paper. â€Å"Date,†Vittoria repeated to Langdon. â€Å"When did Galileo publish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Langdon pointed to the Roman numeral in the lower liner. â€Å"That's the pub date. What's going on?†Vittoria deciphered the number. â€Å"1639?†â€Å"Yes. What's wrong?†Vittoria's eyes filled with foreboding. â€Å"We're in trouble, Robert. Big trouble. The dates don't match.†â€Å"What dates don't match?†â€Å"Raphael's tomb. He wasn't buried here until 1759. A century after Diagramma was published.†Langdon stared at her, trying to make sense of the words. â€Å"No,†he replied. â€Å"Raphael died in 1520, long before Diagramma.†â€Å"Yes, but he wasn't buried here until much later.†Langdon was lost. â€Å"What are you talking about?†â€Å"I just read it. Raphael's body was relocated to the Pantheon in 1758. It was part of some historic tribute to eminent Italians.†As the words settled in, Langdon felt like a rug had just been yanked out from under him. â€Å"When that poem was written,†Vittoria declared, â€Å"Raphael's tomb was somewhere else. Back then, the Pantheon had nothing at all to do with Raphael!†Langdon could not breathe. â€Å"But that†¦ means†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes! It means we're in the wrong place!†Langdon felt himself sway. Impossible†¦ I was certain†¦ Vittoria ran over and grabbed the docent, pulling him back. â€Å"Signore, excuse us. Where was Raphael's body in the 1600s?†â€Å"Urb†¦ Urbino,†he stammered, now looking bewildered. â€Å"His birthplace.†â€Å"Impossible!†Langdon cursed to himself. â€Å"The Illuminati altars of science were here in Rome. I'm certain of it!†â€Å"Illuminati?†The docent gasped, looking again at the document in Langdon's hand. â€Å"Who are you people?†Vittoria took charge. â€Å"We're looking for something called Santi's earthly tomb. In Rome. Can you tell us what that might be?†The docent looked unsettled. â€Å"This was Raphael's only tomb in Rome.†Langdon tried to think, but his mind refused to engage. If Raphael's tomb wasn't in Rome in 1655, then what was the poem referring to? Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole? What the hell is it? Think! â€Å"Was there another artist called Santi?†Vittoria asked. The docent shrugged. â€Å"Not that I know of.†â€Å"How about anyone famous at all? Maybe a scientist or a poet or an astronomer named Santi?†The docent now looked like he wanted to leave. â€Å"No, ma'am. The only Santi I've ever heard of is Raphael the architect.†â€Å"Architect?†Vittoria said. â€Å"I thought he was a painter!†â€Å"He was both, of course. They all were. Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael.†Langdon didn't know whether it was the docent's words or the ornate tombs around them that brought the revelation to mind, but it didn't matter. The thought occurred. Santi was an architect. From there the progression of thoughts fell like dominoes. Renaissance architects lived for only two reasons – to glorify God with big churches, and to glorify dignitaries with lavish tombs. Santi's tomb. Could it be? The images came faster now†¦ da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Monet's Water Lilies. Michelangelo's David. Santi's earthly tomb†¦ â€Å"Santi designed the tomb,†Langdon said. Vittoria turned. â€Å"What?†â€Å"It's not a reference to where Raphael is buried, it's referring to a tomb he designed.†â€Å"What are you talking about?†â€Å"I misunderstood the clue. It's not Raphael's burial site we're looking for, it's a tomb Raphael designed for someone else. I can't believe I missed it. Half of the sculpting done in Renaissance and Baroque Rome was for the funeraries.†Langdon smiled with the revelation. â€Å"Raphael must have designed hundreds of tombs!†Vittoria did not look happy. â€Å"Hundreds?†Langdon's smile faded. â€Å"Oh.†â€Å"Any of them earthly, professor?†Langdon felt suddenly inadequate. He knew embarrassingly little about Raphael's work. Michelangelo he could have helped with, but Raphael's work had never captivated him. Langdon could only name a couple of Raphael's more famous tombs, but he wasn't sure what they looked like. Apparently sensing Langdon's stymie, Vittoria turned to the docent, who was now inching away. She grabbed his arm and reeled him in. â€Å"I need a tomb. Designed by Raphael. A tomb that could be considered earthly.†The docent now looked distressed. â€Å"A tomb of Raphael's? I don't know. He designed so many. And you probably would mean a chapel by Raphael, not a tomb. Architects always designed the chapels in conjunction with the tomb.†Langdon realized the man was right. â€Å"Are any of Raphael's tombs or chapels considered earthly?†The man shrugged. â€Å"I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. Earthly really doesn't describe anything I know of. I should be going.†Vittoria held his arm and read from the top line of the folio. â€Å"From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole. Does that mean anything to you?†â€Å"Not a thing.†Langdon looked up suddenly. He had momentarily forgotten the second part of the line. Demon's hole? â€Å"Yes!†he said to the docent. â€Å"That's it! Do any of Raphael's chapels have an oculus in them?†The docent shook his head. â€Å"To my knowledge the Pantheon is unique.†He paused. â€Å"But†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"But what!†Vittoria and Langdon said in unison. Now the docent cocked his head, stepping toward them again. â€Å"A demon's hole?†He muttered to himself and picked at his teeth. â€Å"Demon's hole†¦ that is†¦ buco divolo?†Vittoria nodded. â€Å"Literally, yes.†The docent smiled faintly. â€Å"Now there's a term I have not heard in a while. If I'm not mistaken, a buco divolo refers to an undercroft.†â€Å"An undercroft?†Langdon asked. â€Å"As in a crypt?†â€Å"Yes, but a specific kind of crypt. I believe a demon's hole is an ancient term for a massive burial cavity located in a chapel†¦ underneath another tomb.†â€Å"An ossuary annex?†Langdon demanded, immediately recognizing what the man was describing. The docent looked impressed. â€Å"Yes! That is the term I was looking for!†Langdon considered it. Ossuary annexes were a cheap ecclesiastic fix to an awkward dilemma. When churches honored their most distinguished members with ornate tombs inside the sanctuary, surviving family members often demanded the family be buried together†¦ thus ensuring they too would have a coveted burial spot inside the church. However, if the church did not have space or funds to create tombs for an entire family, they sometimes dug an ossuary annex – a hole in the floor near the tomb where they buried the less worthy family members. The hole was then covered with the Renaissance equivalent of a manhole cover. Although convenient, the ossuary annex went out of style quickly because of the stench that often wafted up into the cathedral. Demon's hole, Langdon thought. He had never heard the term. It seemed eerily fitting. Langdon's heart was now pounding fiercely. From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole. There seemed to be only one question left to ask. â€Å"Did Raphael design any tombs that had one of these demon's holes?†The docent scratched his head. â€Å"Actually. I'm sorry†¦ I can only think of one.†Only one? Langdon could not have dreamed of a better response. â€Å"Where!†Vittoria almost shouted. The docent eyed them strangely. â€Å"It's called the Chigi Chapel. Tomb of Agostino Chigi and his brother, wealthy patrons of the arts and sciences.†â€Å"Sciences?†Langdon said, exchanging looks with Vittoria. â€Å"Where?†Vittoria asked again. The docent ignored the question, seeming enthusiastic again to be of service. â€Å"As for whether or not the tomb is earthly, I don't know, but certainly it is†¦ shall we say differente.†â€Å"Different?†Langdon said. â€Å"How?†â€Å"Incoherent with the architecture. Raphael was only the architect. Some other sculptor did the interior adornments. I can't remember who.†Langdon was now all ears. The anonymous Illuminati master, perhaps? â€Å"Whoever did the interior monuments lacked taste,†the docent said. â€Å"Dio mio! Atrocits! Who would want to be buried beneath piramides?†Langdon could scarcely believe his ears. â€Å"Pyramids? The chapel contains pyramids?†â€Å"I know,†the docent scoffed. â€Å"Terrible, isn't it?†Vittoria grabbed the docent's arm. â€Å"Signore, where is this Chigi Chapel?†â€Å"About a mile north. In the church of Santa Maria del Popolo.†Vittoria exhaled. â€Å"Thank you. Let's – â€Å" â€Å"Hey,†the docent said, â€Å"I just thought of something. What a fool I am.†Vittoria stopped short. â€Å"Please don't tell me you made a mistake.†He shook his head. â€Å"No, but it should have dawned on me earlier. The Chigi Chapel was not always known as the Chigi. It used to be called Capella della Terra.†â€Å"Chapel of the Land?†Langdon asked. â€Å"No,†Vittoria said, heading for the door. â€Å"Chapel of the Earth.†Vittoria Vetra whipped out her cell phone as she dashed into Piazza della Rotunda. â€Å"Commander Olivetti,†she said. â€Å"This is the wrong place!†Olivetti sounded bewildered. â€Å"Wrong? What do you mean?†â€Å"The first altar of science is at the Chigi Chapel!†â€Å"Where?†Now Olivetti sounded angry. â€Å"But Mr. Langdon said – â€Å" â€Å"Santa Maria del Popolo! One mile north. Get your men over there now! We've got four minutes!†â€Å"But my men are in position here! I can't possibly – â€Å" â€Å"Move!†Vittoria snapped the phone shut. Behind her, Langdon emerged from the Pantheon, dazed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the queue of seemingly driverless taxis waiting by the curb. She pounded on the hood of the first car in line. The sleeping driver bolted upright with a startled yelp. Vittoria yanked open the rear door and pushed Langdon inside. Then she jumped in behind him. â€Å"Santa Maria del Popolo,†she ordered. â€Å"Presto!†Looking delirious and half terrified, the driver hit the accelerator, peeling out down the street. 63 Gunther Glick had assumed control of the computer from Chinita Macri, who now stood hunched in the back of the cramped BBC van staring in confusion over Glick's shoulder. â€Å"I told you,†Glick said, typing some more keys. â€Å"The British Tattler isn't the only paper that runs stories on these guys.†Macri peered closer. Glick was right. The BBC database showed their distinguished network as having picked up and run six stories in the past ten years on the brotherhood called the Illuminati. Well, paint me purple, she thought. â€Å"Who are the journalists who ran the stories,†Macri asked. â€Å"Schlock jocks?†â€Å"BBC doesn't hire schlock jocks.†â€Å"They hired you.†Glick scowled. â€Å"I don't know why you're such a skeptic. The Illuminati are well documented throughout history.†â€Å"So are witches, UFOs, and the Loch Ness Monster.†Glick read the list of stories. â€Å"You ever heard of a guy called Winston Churchill?†â€Å"Rings a bell.†â€Å"BBC did a historical a while back on Churchill's life. Staunch Catholic by the way. Did you know that in 1920 Churchill published a statement condemning the Illuminati and warning Brits of a worldwide conspiracy against morality?†Macri was dubious. â€Å"Where did it run? In the British Tattler?†Glick smiled. â€Å"London Herald. February 8, 1920.†â€Å"No way.†â€Å"Feast your eyes.†Macri looked closer at the clip. London Herald. Feb. 8, 1920. I had no idea. â€Å"Well, Churchill was a paranoid.†â€Å"He wasn't alone,†Glick said, reading further. â€Å"Looks like Woodrow Wilson gave three radio broadcasts in 1921 warning of growing Illuminati control over the U.S. banking system. You want a direct quote from the radio transcript?†â€Å"Not really.†Glick gave her one anyway. â€Å"He said, ‘There is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that none had better speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.' â€Å" â€Å"I've never heard anything about this.†â€Å"Maybe because in 1921 you were just a kid.†â€Å"Charming.†Macri took the jab in stride. She knew her years were showing. At forty-three, her bushy black curls were streaked with gray. She was too proud for dye. Her mom, a Southern Baptist, had taught Chinita contentedness and self-respect. When you're a black woman, her mother said, ain't no hiding what you are. Day you try, is the day you die. Stand tall, smile bright, and let 'em wonder what secret's making you laugh. â€Å"Ever heard of Cecil Rhodes?†Glick asked. Macri looked up. â€Å"The British financier?†â€Å"Yeah. Founded the Rhodes Scholarships.†â€Å"Don't tell me – â€Å" â€Å"Illuminatus.†â€Å"BS.†â€Å"BBC, actually. November 16, 1984.†â€Å"We wrote that Cecil Rhodes was Illuminati?†â€Å"Sure did. And according to our network, the Rhodes Scholarships were funds set up centuries ago to recruit the world's brightest young minds into the Illuminati.†â€Å"That's ridiculous! My uncle was a Rhodes Scholar!†Glick winked. â€Å"So was Bill Clinton.†Macri was getting mad now. She had never had tolerance for shoddy, alarmist reporting. Still, she knew enough about the BBC to know that every story they ran was carefully researched and confirmed. â€Å"Here's one you'll remember,†Glick said. â€Å"BBC, March 5, 1998. Parliament Committee Chair, Chris Mullin, required all members of British Parliament who were Masons to declare their affiliation.†Macri remembered it. The decree had eventually extended to include policemen and judges as well. â€Å"Why was it again?†Glick read. â€Å"†¦ concern that secret factions within the Masons exerted considerable control over political and financial systems.†â€Å"That's right.†â€Å"Caused quite a bustle. The Masons in parliament were furious. Had a right to be. The vast majority turned out to be innocent men who joined the Masons for networking and charity work. They had no clue about the brotherhood's past affiliations.†â€Å"Alleged affiliations.†â€Å"Whatever.†Glick scanned the articles. â€Å"Look at this stuff. Accounts tracing the Illuminati back to Galileo, the Guerenets of France, the Alumbrados of Spain. Even Karl Marx and the Russian Revolution.†â€Å"History has a way of rewriting itself.†â€Å"Fine, you want something current? Have a look at this. Here's an Illuminati reference from a recent Wall Street Journal.†This caught Macri's ear. â€Å"The Journal?†â€Å"Guess what the most popular Internet computer game in America is right now?†â€Å"Pin the tail on Pamela Anderson.†â€Å"Close. It's called, Illuminati: New World Order.†Macri looked over his shoulder at the blurb. â€Å"Steve Jackson Games has a runaway hit†¦ a quasi-historical adventure in which an ancient satanic brotherhood from Bavaria sets out to take over the world. You can find them on-line at†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Macri looked up, feeling ill. â€Å"What do these Illuminati guys have against Christianity?†â€Å"Not just Christianity,†Glick said. â€Å"Religion in general.†Glick cocked his head and grinned. â€Å"Although from the phone call we just got, it appears they do have a special spot in their hearts for the Vatican.†â€Å"Oh, come on. You don't really think that guy who called is who he claims to be, do you?†â€Å"A messenger of the Illuminati? Preparing to kill four cardinals?†Glick smiled. â€Å"I sure hope so.â€
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